What's New!
On the Horizon
A different kind of Field Day
This year's Field Day was definitely different.
Discussion on what we should do started over 4 months ago when the LCARC Board tried to decide how, where, and if the Club should sponsor a Field Day. Not that there was a growing sense of apathy for the event, but over the past few years, participation wasn't what you'd call stellar.
What was it? The distance to the site? The drive over 17? A case of bad "vibes" around HF equipment? CWphoba? No interest? Whatever the cause, it was clear there were a few individuals in the club who did enjoy Field Day and wanted to do something, even if it was by themselves. I counted myself in with that group.
Early on, I talked up the original intent of Field Day, that is, a chance for hams to practice deploying communications in the field in support of a emergency or disaster. That idea was extended when it was suggested that we hold Field Day at the HP/Cupertino site and use their emergency equipment "Ark."
Throughout the Bay Area, many HP sites purchased and installed what we call Arks -- large LandSea shipping containers, that are outfitted with emergency tools, supplies, and electrical generators. Most have some type of amateur radio equipment, mostly VHF/UHF and packet; some have HF gear. The Ark at the Cupertino site had both HF and VHF/UHF radios feeding verticals on the roof. The Board concluded that, if we got permission, this would be a very different type of event.
I made the initial call to Jim Allen KC6VWV, the ham responsible for the Cupertino Site amateur radio gear. Because the Ark was the responsibility of Site Safety, Jim put me in touch with Mike Mylar, Site Safety Manager. Both Jim and Mike were very enthusiastic about the proposal and, after reviewing the Club's plan with Site Security, gave us the thumbs up for the event.
Field Day Prep
Before the May General Meeting, Tom KD6KMT, Jey KQ6DK, Ken KN6CK, Dan K6PRK, and I stopped by the Ark to check it out and determine what work had to be done. Because it was recently moved out of the way of some on-site construction, both the VHF/UHF vertical and R7 HF antenna were taken down and now lying on top of the Ark. Luckily, the effort to re-install the antennas was minor and several members spent about four hours getting them back into the air well before the event.
In true Field Day spirit, we waited almost until the last minute to do some planning. Jey agreed to take care of the food and brought along his 6 meter rig, a WA6TVN 6 meter dipole and, of course, a double skirted ground plane. I planned to bring an old Atlas 210 and a still-in-the-bag G5RV-jr (10-20-40 meters). If that didn't work, I planned on getting in my car and work VHF/UHF (talk about desperate!).
Field Day, Finally!
Not knowing the number of members we could expect, we gave the entire roster to HP Security and let them know there would be less than the 150+ members listed showing up. Dick KB6GLX was the first non-HP'er to arrive and tested the access process. Since he was able to get in, it looked like we were all set.
Being the first two there, Security unlocked the Ark and we began to set up. The Ark is equipped with two emergency generators, one for Ark power, the other for emergency lighting. We rolled the Ark generator out, plugged it in, and fired it up. From what we could tell, we were instantly operational! So far so good.
Jey and Kitty WB8TDA were the next to show up followed by Mark KE6QCT. Jey was really prepared and it looked like he packed his entire garage into his truck -- tarps, ladders, rope, tables, antennas, and tools all came out of the bed of his truck. With the Ark doors open, we suspended a tarp between the top of the container doors and some local trees and poles for additional shelter. This was a life saver later during the day.
Christening my G5RV-jr
I was quite anxious to try out my G5RV-jr and Atlas 210 combination. I previously picked up a roll of nylon cord weight tested to about 150 lb, and now began to contemplate how to get the cord into the tress. After rummaging through my tool box, I decided on an 8" crescent wrench as my weight. Now, never having done this before, the wrench made the perfect item for this activity -- a hole to tie off the cord and it acted as handle for throwing. Using a few underhand tosses, I was able to get the wrench and cord over the tree branches quite easily.
We got the antenna up but, because it was hitting some trees (causing some strange signal effects), it had to be moved. Jerry WA6EJV and his friend Greg (preparing for the test) arrived and suggested the parking lot lamp in the corner as one of the antenna supports. This would give plenty of clearing and more height on the antenna. Now, the trick here was to get the wrench over the lamp arm without breaking the lamp itself. Three tries with the wrench/cord and we were all amazed we actually did it (not break the lamp; get the cord over the arm!). We were in business.
"Water-cooled" 6 Meter dipole
Jey was also wanted to try out another Art/WA6TVN antenna design for 6 meters. Built out of copper tubing, clamps, and PVC piping, Field Day gave Jey a chance to field test this design, with very satisfactory results. Because it looked more like plumbing than an antenna, we kidded him on his antenna having the capability of being water-cooled for those higher power levels!
Operating for fun
Several other members dropped by over the course of the day to chat or operate: Ron KE6NHR, Tully KD6AVS, Tom KD6KMT, Dan W6GCB, Sandra KD6ZJM, and Jerry N6SWC.
The close proximity of my HF antenna and HP's R7 resulted in some interference when we were on the same band -- that was easily corrected by some better coordination on who was covering what frequency.
Toward the end of the day, the generator started to periodically quit on us. While we could get it to started again, keeping it running was a problem. However, it was getting close to quitting time so it helped us "decide" to begin wrapping things up.
Overall, the Las Cumbres Amateur Radio Club had a wonderful Field Day experience. We used HP's HF gear to make contacts on 20 and 40 meters throughout much of the Western United States. I was impressed with my Atlas 210 and dipole combination, and worked several states up and down the East Coast. We opened up the Ark around 1000 PST and were packed and cleaned up by 1800 that evening. All totaled, we made more than 70 contacts in the 5.5 hours we were on the air.
Personally, my Field Day experience was very rewarding. Beside confirming my Atlas actually does work (something I questioned for a long time), we had a chance to put some of HP's emergency equipment through their paces.
Having "lived" at the Ark for a good portion of the day, we felt we knew what worked and what could be improved. A letter detailing our observations and suggestions that we felt would further enhance the effectiveness of the Ark and its value to HP/Cupertino in the event of an emergency was sent off to Jim Allen and Mike Mylar.
Thanks to all the Club members who joined in. It was great having you stop by.
Also, thank you HP/Cupertino for the use of the site. It was a terrific test and wonderful event.
What about next year? Who knows. But this year's Field Day helped remind me of its meaning and true intent. See you next year?
Field Day on a bicycle
Skip AA6WK
I never get to work Field Day. My daughter's birthday falls on that weekend, and two birthday parties (family and friends) take the whole weekend.
This year, I did have a few hours to ride, however -- so I spent three hours as a Bicycle Mobile Field Day station. No logs, but I did give out a few contacts to the more serious contestants. My ride was 50 miles into, on top of, and back down the Santa Cruz Mountains south of San Francisco.
My benefit was that I had a chance to REALLY see how radio coverage exists in my preferred (and hilly) riding range. Mountain tops are great, but down inside the canyons (with no repeater coverage) you can still get out. Having a landscape dotted with simplex stations all on 146.520 MHz really helps build a coverage map! And everyone was glad to come back to a Bicycle Mobile station. In total, I gave out six contacts for Field Day.
Next year? The birthday parties aren't planned yet, but I will try to make room for another Bicycle Mobile Field Day expedition.
Skip is a regular contributor to the Bicycle Mobile Hams newsletter (BMHA). For those who "worked" Skip during Field Day, his route was up 9, south on Skyline/Summit, down Mountain Charlie (parallel to 17), around Lexington Reservoir, and home. Thanks Skip for the article. Nest year, we'll be looking for you! -ed.
Picnic in the Park
Its that time of year again for another club picnic.
As was the case last year, we will be getting together at the National Semiconductor Park. LCARC will supply and cook hot dogs and hamburgers. There will be a grill available to cook something else if you wish. The club will also furnish paper plates, cups, plastic utensils, napkins, and fruit punch drink. If you prefer, you may bring your own soft drinks.
The park is located on Kifer Road north of Lawrence Express way about 1/2 mile. Here's the directions (see the map on the back page):
* After turning north on Kifer from Lawrence, proceed past the 2 traffic signals.
* Slow down and look to the right. You will pass the National Semiconductor Building "W" (Yes there's a big sign on it). Then approach the National Semiconductor Credit Union.
* Turn right into the Credit Union parking lot and drive clear back to the park fence.
* Find a parking place, walk around to the right and, you will find the park entrance. There will be someone there to open the gate and let you in.
There will be a talk in on 145.450.
If you wish to attend, please contact the Picnic committee (K6PRK, KN6PE or WD6FTE) as soon as possible. Please indicate how many people and the side dish.
Oh yes... one more (important) thing, since the picnic is being held on company property, ALCOHOLIC beverages of any type are NOT allowed.
73 and see you all at the PICNIC.
My first fox box hunt
Bill Northup, N1QPR
A number of people that I hunt with wanted me to write up this little story about the first time that I went hunting for the clubs (then) new fox box. The fox box is a transmitter, voice recorder, timer, and battery in an ammo box that has a real nice paint job for anyone wanting to hide in a jungle. Well the paint job also makes it real nice to hide almost anywhere.
For gear at the time I had a couple of HT's (HTX202 & HTX404) for 2 meters and 440. I also had yagi's for both bands and a handi-finder. I had been hunting for a while so I was not totally green, but I was still in the learning curve.
I had been hunting alone and after what seemed like days, but was actually about 3 hours I started getting a signal on my HT without an antenna near a local grocery store. Just about the time I was finding out that the signal was full scale behind the store without an antenna, when another hunter (Dave) called me to see how I was doing. Dave had hunted and found the box a day earlier. While Dave and I were talking another hunter (who we will call SAM but is not his real name) joined in telling me he and good signal a couple of miles away. His signals were not as strong as the ones I had so he decided that it would be better to come and hunt with me.
We there was a narrow road behind the store along this big brick building. Then there was woods for about 1/8 of a mile and a steep bank to some rail road tracks. Well to keep the story short we were getting all kinds of reflection from the building and the bank and just kept going in circles. While doing this SAM decided that he wanted to try body fading and it just wouldn't work for him. After numerous tries he kept saying that it wasn't working - SO I told him that the problem must be that he didn't have enough body and that he needed something to block the signal better and that he should go into the store and buy some aluminum foil and wrap himself in it. So SAM goes off into the store and I can get back to hunting. Well be had been there a long time now and it was getting dark. About 20 minutes later SAM is back and has himself wrapped in the aluminum foil and wanders back into the woods doing body fades trying to find the box. By no it is dark enough that we both have flashlights to see.
Well about now the store manager decides to take a break and go out back and have a smoke. What does he see but a couple of guys wandering around the back of his store and in the woods with flashlights. That is strange enough but one of the guys is wrapped in aluminum foil. This looks rather strange so he calls the local police. Well I ended up having a rather LONG talk with the officer that showed up telling him how we were there looking for a hidden transmitter (I was told that there were no FOX in the area when I first said that we were fox hunting). Well if you think it is hard to explain what hidden transmitter hunting is, and that you are not someone out with an evil intent - you should try it when the guy that you are with is wrapped in aluminum foil (and doesn't know enough to unwrap himself).
Well I never did find the box that time because there was no way that I was going to go back the next day. I wonder if SAM still has that box of aluminum foil in his car ?
That was the first time that I got a chance to talk to the local police about our fox hunting, but not the last. I have gotten much better at it, but I still won't hunt with any hunter that display strange habits - they are to hard to explain.
Thanks Tom KD6KMT for finding this one and passing it on. If you would like to reach Bill, his e-mail address is n1qpr@amsat.org. -ed.
On a wing and a shoestring: Hams design their next-generation communications satellite
Sharon Machlis
Newton, MA--Just four years after the Soviet Union launched Sputnik-an achievement that rattled the U.S. scientific community and touched off a decades-long Cold War space race--a private group of Americans sent up a satellite of their own. West Coast hobbyists, they designed and built a communications satellite in their basements and garages.
Hobbyists? Designing satellites? Since the 1960s?
Those early tinkerers were amateur radio operators, and their efforts with colleagues around the world launched AMSAT, a group of hams that has been designing communications satellites for a quarter century. AMSAT claims credit for a number of firsts in space: first CMOS semiconductor technology in space, first "clear demonstration" that multiple stations can simultaneously use a single satellite, and first "store-and-forward" digital satellite communications.
AMSAT's latest endeavor, "Phase 3D," is slated to launch from the next European Space Agency Ariane 5 mission in late spring. Volunteer engineers from 14 countries on five continents are contributing to 3D, which will use higher power transmitters and higher gain antennas than any of its ham predecessors in orbit. Amateur radio operators on the ground will use the satellite to make long-range contacts by voice, Morse code, and "packet"--computer-to-computer communication via radio wave.
"This is probably a $50 million to $100 million project," says Dick Jansson, AMSAT's volunteer vice president of engineering. "We're doing it for around $4 million." Key to project affordability: donations of material and expertise, streamlined designs, and using materials at hand.
AMSAT members barter their engineering know-how for affordable launches. AMSAT engineers are working with the European Space Agency to help design a platform for Ariane 5 to launch mid-sized (300 to 600 kg) satellites--a capability the rocket doesn't now have. Such a platform would make future Ariane 5 launches more economically viable, since currently the rocket is configured to launch large payloads and "microsats." Adding some mid-sized paying customers would boost potential revenue, using space that otherwise would go unoccupied. AMSAT first worked with ESA in 1989-90 to develop the microsat launching capability on Ariane 4.
The mid-size design plan will raise by 1 meter an Ariane upper stage that holds bolt rings for mounting large payloads, and add a 2.6-meter-diameter Specific Bearing Structure (SBS) cylindrical adapter for a secondary payload.
The satellite's 20-foot solar array will be deployed and stabilized in orbit using a device "no more complex than an ordinary 'bar-door' hinge," according to Jansson. "The spacecraft's structure will be made from ordinary sheet aluminum which will be subsequently painted for thermal balance considerations.
AMSAT satellites, while designed with unconventional procedures, must still meet the same vigorous space-qualification standards as any government or commercial customer before riding aboard an Ariane rocket. "We are working very closely together to reach a good product," says Bernard Lacoste at the European Space Agency, who heads the integration of AMSAT designs on the Ariane for ESA.
It can be difficult to get necessary paperwork out of AMSAT, which is a much more informal organization than the typical aerospace outfit, Lacoste admits. But that can also be an advantage. "They react very quickly if any problems occur," he says. "They work with their heart."
--Sharon Machlis, Contributing Editor
For more information about AMSAT, visit http://www.amsat.org
Phase 3D Facts
Height: 1 meter (3 feet)
Weight: 400 kg (80 lbs)
Diameter: 2.3 meters (7.5 feet)
Wingspan: More than 6 meters (20 ft)
Orbit: Elliptical, from 4,000 km (2,400 miles) to 47,000 km
(29,000) miles above the Earth
Sharon is a Contributing Editor with Design News. This article originally was published in the 3/3/97 edition of Design News. Special thanks to Paul E. Teague, Chief Editor, for permission to reprint this article. Thanks, Steve WD6FTE for finding this article and passing it on! - ed.
A Twist: New theory sends shock waves through the universe.
You've heard of tropospheric ducting ... is this galactic ducting?
April 25, 1997. A stunning new theory is rippling through the scientific community. According to an article in Newsday, physicists have observed "too much twist" in radio waves from other galaxies, suggesting for the first time "that the universe has an 'up' and a 'down.'"
"The big news is that perhaps not all space is equal," said Borge Nodland of the University of Rochester. This notion contradicts the fundamental idea in physics that the universe is basically the same in all directions. It also suggests that the "big bang," the explosion that scientists cite as the beginning of the universe, was uneven. "Perhaps it was not a perfect big bang, but a big bang with a twist to space and time," said Nodland.
If nothing else, this would provide an excellent excuse on those days when you're feeling totally out of sync with everything and everyone -- maybe you're going up while the universe is going down.
This story was reprinted from the April 25, 1997 edition of NEWSGRAM: news for HP people, an electronic publication of HP Corporate Communications. Thanks Jey KQ6DK for passing this on.
ARRL WRC-99 Committee proposes new licensing Plan
Brad Wyatt, K6WR
One of the charges given to the ARRL WRC-99 Planning Committee by the ARRL Board of Directors early last year was to study the U.S. amateur licensing structure. A full discussion of the Committee's proposals related to the U.S. licensing structure is given in March QST at page 55. Please read it and offer your comments to ARRL and to me. My thanks to all of you who have written already. I have read each e-mail and hard copy letter and noted your thoughts. My goal is to respond to each of you in the Division who have written me directly. It is interesting to note that so far there seem to be as many views on this matter as letters and messages received.
There is clearly no consensus of opinion. Please remember that this is just a proposal and there is no certainty that the ARRL Board will adopt this or any other proposal on this matter. Further, it is not clear that the FCC is even interested in revising the Amateur Radio licensing and testing structure.
In addition to the U.S. license restructuring proposal it developed, the WRC-99 Planning Committee of the ARRL Board was charged with the task of developing recommendations to be passed to the U.S. Government delegation to WRC-99, dealing with potential changes in the International Telecommunications Union Rules governing the Amateur Service. This activity resulted in the survey published in QST last August, 1996, as well as an additional mail survey subjected to careful statistical controls. The results of this survey were published in the Jan., 1997, QST.
Amateur Radio's National Traffic System (NTS)
contributed by Tom KD6KMT from articles on NTS
The History of NTS
Since the dawn of radio, the handling of messages accurately and speedily has been held in highest esteem. In the early days, the range of the average spark gap station varied from 5 to 10 miles. As better antenna systems, receivers, and higher power rotary spark-gap transmitters evolved, distances of 400 miles and more could be achieved as early as 1914, by the better stations operating on 200 meters and down. Obviously, longer distance communications could not be achieved reliably without relays. The American Radio Relay League was founded by Hiram Percy Maxim primarily as a long distance radio relay system. By the end of 1915, over 600 stations in almost every state and province had been appointed as Official Relay Stations whose operating standards were kept very high. The technical capability had been present for a long time before, but it is most definitely the organizational structure created by the ARRL that quickly increased the distance a message could travel from 50 Miles in early 1914 to reliable trans-continental messages by February 1917. The commercial communications systems at that time were fragile and often made unusable during disasters. Amateurs, even in their dawn, proved their worth to those communities which found themselves helpless without emergency communications.
Operation then was strictly by Morse code and suffered under the worst combinations of noise, poor receiver selectivity, frequency instability of transmitters and receivers, poor receiver sensitivity, etc. A message was handled with almost a feeling of sacred trust by dedicated and skilled operators. A message from coast to coast often had to be painstakingly relayed 8 times or more. To "botch" or delay such a message was not looked at very kindly by "The Brethren." An operator was judged not so much for the amount of messages that he could handle nor the "sweetness" of his fist as much as how accurate and reliable of a relay he proved to be. It was a high priority to have an efficient continental system established not only for amateur radio communications but for public service and disaster communications. For accuracy and efficiency, a specific format was eventually determined to be the most effective. The standard NTS format in its present form is almost identical with that which also evolved in a parallel manner in the military and commercial message services; which, by the way, were for the most part staffed by hams as well.
The present day National Traffic System (NTS) evolved out of this eighty-year old public service and disaster communication tradition. The NTS is still sponsored by the American Radio Relay League and features an orderly method of reliably and responsibly moving messages across the continent on a daily basis as a public service through a system of voice and CW nets and now also Packet radio BBS forwarding systems. Packet radio forwarding, although made possible only as recently as late 1984 appears as a natural choice to continue this fine tradition, as it is proving both accurate, fast, and more and more reliable.
The NTS Structure
The NTS structure, in order to ensure reliability, is based on a hierarchy of local, section, regional, and area nets. The section and/or local net managers are appointed by the Section Traffic Manager or the Section Manager. The Region and Area net managers are appointed by the Area Staffs. A message originated at the local or section level is taken to region net by an assigned liaison station appointed by the section net manager. Likewise, traffic is taken to the area net by a liaison station appointed by the region net manager.
There are three Area nets in North America; Pacific, Central, and Eastern. Traffic is transferred from Area to Area by members of the Trans-Continental Corps (TCC) appointed by the TCC Director. Traffic then flows down from Area net, to region nets and then to section and sometimes local nets where it is delivered. Thus traffic is both originated and delivered at the section and/or local net level. The rest of the NTS is simply a relay system. Thus packet radio networks form a natural media to help facilitate the accurate and speedy handling of such messages.
Because messages for the most part are still delivered in NTS section and local nets, the existing NTS format is important to maintain for reasons of interface. There are literally hundreds of section and local nets meeting daily across the continent on both voice and cw that deliver third party traffic as a public service and as a training for disaster communications.
Packet BBS Message Forwarding
In 1984 Hank Oredson, W0RLI, made available to the amateur community a free software program that ran on the inexpensive Xerox 820 computer. Soon afterwards, Hank added an automatic forwarding system whereby one mailbox could automatically forward to any other mailbox at any time that would be convenient, thus allowing for automatic relays of bulletins, personal messages, and NTS messages. This system became implemented on a widespread basis nationwide by mid 1985 through a system of VHF/HG Gateway mailbox systems.
Messages were entered on the VHF (usually 2 meter) ports and then forwarded automatically to a HF Gateway BBS for long distance relay. Traffic for closer destinations were relayed on 2 meters and later through VHF and UHF "backbone" systems. These relay systems are constantly being improved and longer distances are now being covered through coast to coast satellite links, more efficient network nodes, higher speed backbones, and a better organized national HF packet system. This system is expected to continue to increase in efficiency and reliability over the next few years.
On a section level, STMs and Net Managers are appointing Packet Net managers to facilitate the interface between the section net and the linked packet BBS system. Liaison stations are assigned to pick up the traffic at various BBSs to be taken to the section net if they grow "old." Likewise, traffic outgoing from the section net is often brought to a linked packet BBS for relay via packet. The packet system is especially valuable for missed schedules, overload traffic, high volume disaster welfare traffic, fair traffic, and relay to regions where favorable propagation factors do not coincide with available operation times. The eastern area staff has already appointed Region Net Packet Managers to help facilitate the traffic flow within and between their regions via packet BBSs.
Stay tuned for Part II of the NTS story where delivery of NTS messages is covered. -ed.
Highlights from the ARRL Pacific Division Update -- June 1997
Brad Wyatt K6WR, Director, Pacific Division, ARRL
(408) 395-2501 (Phone and FAX)
Internet: K6WR@arrl.org
WWW Pacific Division Home Page --
New Federal Legal Protection for Volunteers
On June 18, President Clinton signed into law S. 543, "The Volunteer Protection Act of 1997" which should provide Federal protection from "frivolous, arbitrary, or capricious" lawsuits against our OO/AmAux and VE volunteers as well as other volunteers. The law is known as Public Law 105-19 which becomes effective on Sept. 16, 1997. The text is now available on the WWW at http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?c105:S.543.ENR: The text should also be available from other sources soon.
PL 105-19 is much broader in scope than the Amateur Radio Volunteer Services Act of 1997. To quote PL 105-19, "The purpose of this Act is to promote the interests of social service program beneficiaries and taxpayers and to sustain the availability of programs, nonprofit organizations, and governmental entities that depend on volunteer contributions by reforming the laws to provide certain protections from liability abuses related to volunteers serving nonprofit organizations and governmental agencies".
See July QST, p. 15-16 for more details based on information available at QST press time. The legal community continues to review the details.
FCC Issues Amateur Spread Spectrum NPRM
On March 9, 1997, the FCC issued a Notice of proposed Rule Making (NPRM), WT Docket 97-12, proposing to make significant changes in the regulations governing Amateur Radio use of spread spectrum (SS) technology. The changes are proposed in order to encourage greater use of this mode, a mode that is expanding very rapidly in the Part 15 commercial world. This NPRM was in response to an ARRL petition submitted on Dec. 12, 1995. The text of the Docket can be found on the FCC web site at http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Wireless/Notices/1997/fcc97010. See page 78 of May QST for more information. Comments were due by May 5. Reply Comments were due on June 5. The text of the known Comments and Reply Comments can be found on the TAPR WWW site -- http://www.tapr.org/ss . Only 14 entities filed Comments, while a few more filed Reply Comments -- a very low number of filings for such an important issue. I urge you to read the filings and participate now even after the deadline.
Continuing Avalanche of New Antenna Ordinances
There is a huge new wave of antenna ordinances being proposed by cities and counties. These ordinances are being driven by the spectrum auctions and by new and expanding number of Cellular and Personal Communications Services licenses being issued.
All of us need to be aware of this trend. When you first sense any of this action in your community, contact your Section Manager, the ARRL Regulatory Information Branch, and me immediately so that we can get help to you and the rest of the hams in your community. The key to a successful defense is to separate the commercial interests from Amateur Radio in the minds of the responsible officials. It's vitally important that your city or county officials understand Amateur Radio involvement with emergency communications - this story must be told repeatedly, especially before the antenna ordinance crisis develops!
Latest Band Threat News
After another round of meetings in Geneva concluded in mid June, it appears that the Little LEO companies have not been able to advance their proposal for the "broad allocation" scheme they submitted to the U. S. delegation to WRC 97. The FCC/NTIA apparently have not been able to develop a position on this whole matter as yet.
This situation may remain this way until WRC 97 opens in Geneva in November. However, other country's delegations may yet propose this or some other scheme as the Little LEO companies have been busy in other parts of the world trying to sell their ideas. Also, while it is possible that in WRC 97 nothing may come of this matter, the Little LEO companies are not giving up. Regardless of what happens at WRC 97, they are sure to be back for WRC 99. However, their fate may be resolved for them by the financial markets as it evaluates Little LEOs with other competitive satellite programs. See page 71, July QST for more information.
Wind Profiler
On another topic, unhappily we may be coming closer to having the wind profiler devices in the 70 cm. band. Details are very sketchy, but ARRL is trying hard to be sure that if there are any allocations they are not in certain key parts of the band. Remember that our allocation at 70 cm. is secondary not primary.
There is some interesting news on the entire Spectrum Auction process. Some in Congress are having second thoughts on several aspects of this process. See page 16, June QST and page 16, July QST.
Unfortunately, the future of all these threats is unknown. We won't be able to breathe easily about WRC-97 issues until the final gavel comes down on Nov. 21, 1997.
Pacific Div Amateurs Named to CQ Hall of Fame
At the Dayton Hamvention, Bob Ferrero, W6RJ, and Bob Vallio, W6RGG, were named to the CQ DX Hall of Fame, and Carl Cook, AI6V, was named to the CQ Contest Hall of Fame for their contributions and accomplishments in their respective fields. Congratulations to Bob, Bob and Carl!
Las Cumbres Amateur Radio Club (LCARC)
LCARC is a California non-profit mutual benefit corporation dedicated to Amateur Radio Service and Emergency Communication. It's purpose is to support scientific investigation in radio engineering and emergency communication skills development for its members.
Repeaters and Services operated by LCARC
K6FB/R: 145.450 MHz, (-), PL=100, linked with
K6FB/R: 442.575 MHz (+), PL=100
K6FB/R: 223.880 MHz (-), PL=100
K6FB-1 Digipeater: 145.050 MHz
K6FB-2 Bulletin Board: 145.050 MHz
K6FB-7 Node: 145.050 MHz
Nets and Meetings
The LCARC Net is held every Monday evening at 7:30pm on the
K6FB/R repeaters. Guests and visitors are welcome to check in.
Volunteers for net control for the following week's net are
solicited (and encouraged) at the end of each net.
General meetings are held at the Hewlett-Packard Cupertino Site, Oak Room, Building 48, located at Wolfe Road and Pruneridge Avenue (entrance on Pruneridge) at 7:30 PM, on the third Tuesday of every month unless otherwise noted (see page 1 for location, dates). Talk-in on K6FB/R.
Officers and Board of Directors
Jey Yelland / KQ6DK . . . . . . President Ken Carey / KN6CK . . . . . . Vice President Harry Workman / K6JTC . . . . . Treasurer Ned Rice / KE6ZOZ . . . . . . . Membership Jim Oberhofer / KN6PE . . . . . Secretary Frank Butcher / W6SZS . . . . . TCC Tom Campbell / KD6KMT . . . . . Trustee Dick LaTondre / KB6GLX . . . . Member at Large
Summit Sentinel
The Summit Sentinel is published monthly by the LCARC.
Permission is granted to reprint from this publication with
appropriate source credit. The deadline for submitting items is
the second Friday following each general meeting. Send your
contributions to Jim KN6PE at:
packet: KN6PE@N0ARY or leave on K6FB-2
internet: jimo@cup.hp.com
fax: 408-447-0527; phone: 408-447-0837