What's New!
On the Horizon
What's going on? Plenty!
Shack Clean-up
Several club members spent the good portion of Saturday morning up at the Las Cumbres site performing a general clean-up of the Shack. Jey KQ6DK led a small group that included Frank W6SZS, Dan K6PRK, Tom KD6KMT, Ned KE6ZOZ, and Jim KN6PE in cleaning out the shack interior, removing debris from the surrounding area, and straightening out the general vicinity.
Several concrete pilings from the original shack were pulled out and loaded into Jey's truck for disposal and a trip to the dump. There was plenty of left-over scrap wood from the original shack re-build activities that were thrown out as well. The Club owns a tri-bander antenna that's been laying outside the shack that has been finally disassembled and more properly stored up there as well.
Whenever a project of this nature takes place, there's always more work that's easily identified. A list has been assembled and a plan for another work party is on the drawing board.
All Racked up!
With the prospect of Jim KN6PE's tcp/ip node ready to go up the hill, the question came up as to is there enough space for all the equipment we'd like to install? Today, the club has only one rack for the club's equipment.
Last weekend (8/3), Frank W6SZS and Dan K6PRK located a source for aluminum relay racks at RAE in San Jose. Dan drove down there and was told that all that aluminum racks were sold and all that they had was a steel relay rack for $50.
On returning with his truck, Dan was told that another aluminum rack. An inspection of the steel rack after the equipment was removed revealed it was very wobbly. The aluminum rack was new and matches the one that we currently have on the hill. Because it was rock stable as a stand alone structure, Dan purchased the aluminum rack for $100. Dan's assessment? "it was well worth the extra money."
Dan and Patsy went up to the repeater site on Sunday and got it installed. It is bolted to the floor and it's right side rail is bolted to the existing rack -- a very nice installation! One thing that we must do is to get a power strip mounted.
The club envisioned this extra rack when the shack was originally built to be used for member and experimental use. It was to be used separate from the main radio equipment rack. This rack also alleviates some of the space congestion that's developed over the years.
So, what project do you have in mind?
"Liddie Linker" - or - Linker the Lid
You've probably heard some very strange linking going on lately. Dan did some investigation into the linking -- here's what he found.
Apparently, the incident the other night with K6FB being linked into the Danville repeater is solved. Perhaps this might explain some other linking incidents where K6FB is involved.
There is a repeater site in the Fremont Hills that overlooks the central valley. The owner has a 1.2 machine and some remote bases as well as a (sort of ) repeater on 146.355. The repeater is apparently listed with NARCC.
The repeater that we were linked to was located in Danville and happens to be on the same frequency as the Fremont Hills machine. The Fremont Hills machine can be heard in Danville, and has resulted in some sort of "struggle" between the two groups.
What the Fremont Hills group did on Monday night was to link K6FB to the Danville machine's input. He set the output PL to 100 hz so it WOULD bring up the repeater. That is where we got involved.
Dan contacted one of the Danville users who lives in Walnut Creek. That user said there had been linking with some repeaters in the Sierras, etc. the day before. He also tried to copy down call letters, etc (just like we did a few weeks ago). Dan feels the past illicit linking to our machine could be from the same source.
As for next steps, LCARC must PROVE that it is the Fremont Hills group doing the illicit linking beyond a doubt before we can confront them.
Dan's view is that we could care less what those two factions are doing as long as our repeater isn't involved.
Thanks Dan for the follow-up -- ed
Wanted: Code Practice Back-up
Dan W6IQ, Mr. Wednesday Night Code Practice, is looking for some help.
LCARC runs a weekly code practice session on K6FB every Wednesday night at 7:00pm. Dan has been doing a great job, but could use some help. The Club is looking for someone to share the Wednesday Night Code Practice session. We can help get you set up with the necessary equipment to make it happen.
Interested? If so, please contact Dan at 510-794-7253 or any member of the board. All interested parties are welcome.
Listen to a scanner -- go to jail
Here is the latest legislative threat to the monitoring hobby. Folks this bill is pure poison to all branches of the radio hobby. In particular, I'm extremely concerned with section 3 of this bill amending the Communications Act of 1934. Every radio listener and ham needs to contact their elected officials in Washington and voice opposition to this bill.
Unlike the Markey bill, HR 2369 does have cosponsors and given the timing in the legislative calendar, I feel it does have an excellent chance of getting through Congress this session. This bill has the same provisions in it as the Markey bill (HR 1964) plus the new language on scanner mods in section 1 and the new very restrictive language for the Comm Act of 34 in section 3. This effects every radio listener from shortwave right on up to the microwave regions. If your hobby is listening to something other than broadcast radio or television, ham or CB this bill could and probably will effect you.
Bottom line: I will be posting additional info and analysis after we talk to the legal folks. On the surface, this doesn't look good at all. We are going to have a major fight on our hands here.
Best Regards,
Larry Van Horn
Assistant Editor/Managing Editor
Monitoring Times/Satellite Times
P.O. Box 98
Brasstown, NC 28902
The author of this message grants permission to repost or reprint the information below unconditionally. See their web site at www.grove.net -- ed..
If you use a scanner to listen to railroads (or police, or fire, etc), this bill is big trouble. The way Section 3 is written now, it'll make listening to anything other than AM/FM/TV broadcast, ham radio, CB, and weather illegal. A literal interpretation of the law means that it would even be illegal for police, firefighters, volunteer fire/EMS personnel, etc to listen to neighboring agencies.
Write your Congressperson now and express your opposition to this bill, before a useful tool is taken away from public safety, and yet another harmless pastime is taken away from you.
Keep in mind that letters to elected officials -- congressmen and senators -- do make a difference. Right now, the bill in is in the House so Congressmen would be the best initial target. Elected offices account each letter as the voice of 7-10 citizens, reasoning that everyone in society won't take the time to write.
Text of the Bill
Bill 2369 is available on the Web.
1. The Web address is:
thomas.loc.gov/home/c105query.html .
2. When the display comes up, enter HR2369 in the Bill Number
field, then press SEARCH.
What to do next?
If you are concerned about this, then write to your member in congress today! For those ARES/RACES members, I recommend referencing your emergency services work and the need to coordinate with other city agenies. Please comment in a positive fashion.
To find out your elected official, see the site: www.house.gov/writerep/
or www.grove.net/Member/WWW.html
The Cellular Ham
Skip AA6WK
So you have both a cellophane and a ham radio -- which one should you take on your bike? (You might want to take both, but that's too heavy, too expensive, and not practical).
Safety: Both cellphones and ham radios are radio transceivers -- tabloids talk about "frying your brain with radio waves," but there are no safety concerns whatever to most experts. Try to actually use one on a bike, and "safety" takes on a different meaning -- I'll cover this aspect further on down the page.
Size and weight: Technology is wonderful. These things are getting small! My full-featured ham radio is only 11 ounces (and some are down to only 4 ounces). My cellphone is the same size. (But I get a full 5 watts of output power with the ham radio, vs. 1/3 watt with the cellphone.)
License: Yes, a ham radio requires a license from the FCC. It will cost you about $5 to take the test (which is multiple-choice, and you can see the questions in advance. You need to score about 70% correct to pass). Morse Code is no longer required. A cellphone doesn't require a license, but does require money. Lots of money.
Cost: If you buy your "toys" new, both a ham radio and a cellphone will set you back about $300 each. You can get cheaper or used ham radios for about $100, and you can get a cellphone for as little as a penny (if you sign up for a non-cancelable year or two of service at $20/month).
Ham "service" is free (although it is good form to join a local club and help with their repeater expenses -- perhaps $25/year). Cell "service" costs -- here in the San Francisco Bay area it is $30/month plus almost 50 cents per minute of use -- certainly not cheap.
Where it works: Both cellphones and ham radio will work from almost anywhere you need them. Cellphones have "complete" coverage near cities and major highways. Ham radio works almost anywhere you can see a city or a mountain top (hams love to put radio repeaters on the highest structure or mountain that they can find).
Both devices may not work in mountain ravines, canyons, or other "protected" areas, because the mountain will block the radio waves. (Of course, this is probably exactly where you will become stranded on a bicycle....) In this situation, the ham radio has an edge over the cellphone because you can choose which frequency (and thus which repeater location) to try for. This is specialized (but quite simple) knowledge -- if you don't want this concern, then use a cellphone and work with whatever luck you may have when in a "radio dark hole".
Use in an emergency: Cellphones almost certainly guarantee you a quick connection to "911" emergency services -- which will probably be the local Highway Patrol office. Ham radio autopatches frequently have a wider choice of emergency services (police, ambulance, park rangers, etc.) pre-programmed into them -- but then in a time of stress you have to remember which service to call.
Ham radio is "open" -- meaning you can put out a general call "This is AA6WK -- can anybody help me call an ambulance / call home / direct me to a bicycle repair shop?" and usually someone will answer and assist. If you are a member of the local repeater club, you can directly dial the telephone number of your choice.
Casual use: A cellphone is easier (and more private) to call home -- just dial the number (and pay for connect time) and you're there. Receiving telephone calls is the same -- the phone rings, and you answer.
A ham radio can also dial out -- but using a party-line-like feature called an "autopatch". Anyone can listen to your conversation. You can't receive telephone calls at all -- hams can call you (and even make your radio ring like a telephone), but the "general public" (and perhaps your non-ham spouse) can't.
Use with a bicycle: When carrying an "emergency radio", either will work very well. But most of your bicycle-related use won't be calling for help -- it will be checking conditions at the front of the group, planning a rendezvous, or even just chatting to pass the time.
A cellphone is a one-to-one experience. You call someone, they answer, and you talk. Want to talk, but don't have someone specific in mind? A cellphone is useless. Don't want to pay $0.50 per minute to chat? Don't use the cellphone.
A ham radio is a many-person experience. The whole group can hear what is said. You can call over the mountain with "This is AA6WK -- can someone tell me what the weather is like over at the beach?". You can also call "AA6WK broke a spoke -- anyone have an old-style Regina freewheel tool?" to ask the whole group at once. Doing this with a cellphone would be a lot of calls.
Use on a bicycle: I told you I'd get back to safety. A cellphone simply cannot be used safely while riding. You have to hold it to your ear (and mouth), need to dial it, and there are no (relevant) accessories available. Ham radio can be equally impossible, but inexpensive accessories are available which make while-mobile use a true delight. My personal rig is simple -- just an earphone/microphone combination tucked in my helmet, and a push-to-talk button located on my brake lever. I ride naturally (with both hands fully devoted to the handlebars) and have conversation whenever I wish it. Riding on the "hoods", it's right-thumb in to talk, thumb out to listen. Easy as pie.
My choice: I have both a ham radio and a cellphone. I'd gladly bring either with me on the bicycle. So far, I've chosen to bring only the ham radio, feeling that the cellphone just doesn't add enough value for my style. Your mileage may vary.
MIR, Shuttle QSO by Ham Radio!
Ham radio has served as a convenient "chat" medium between the US space shuttle Columbia and the troubled Russian Mir space station in recent days. Last weekend, shuttle Commander Jim Halsell, KC5RNI, had two short, direct contacts on 2 meters with fellow astronaut Mike Foale, KB5UAC, aboard Mir. The first ship-to-ship SAREX/MIREX contact happened Saturday, July 5, at 1202 UTC during a Mir/Columbia "conjunction" over the Indian Ocean when the two spacecraft were only some 50 nautical miles apart. The contact lasted less than a minute.
A little while later, with both spacecraft over the Pacific Ocean at 1336 UTC, another 30-45 second contact took place, according to Will Marchant, KC6ROL, of AMSAT. Marchant said the shuttle crew could hear Mir a lot longer than Foale could copy the shuttle's signal--due to Mir's superior antenna and higher power. "The shuttle crew was pretty excited about their contact," Marchant said. Shuttle Pilot Susan Still reported observing Mir through binoculars while the ham radio contact was under way.
But the best QSO was yet to come. On Tuesday, July 8, 1900 UTC, Foale contacted the Johnson Space Center Amateur Radio Club station W5RRR, and, using a phone patch, the club patched through NASA's communications circuits to the space shuttle, enabling Foale to speak at length with the Columbia crew. During the ten-minute contact, Foale filled in his fellow astronauts about the situation aboard Mir, where a Progress supply rocket had just successfully been docked.
"We'd like to invite you to visit Mir," Foale said to the shuttle crew, which respectfully declined. Foale said the arrival of the Progress was "almost like Christmas." He said his personal items still in the damaged Spektr module had been replaced, along with a videocassette player. Foale told Halsell the Mir crew enjoys watching American movies when they have the time. He also told his fellow astronauts aboard the Columbia that he had not had a chance to see any of the pictures from the Mars Pathfinder mission as yet.
Foale said the Progress carried tea, coffee, chocolate and even fresh food, something that made the shuttle crew envious since they had long since consumed all of their fresh food. Janice Voss, KC5BTK, who flew with Foale on the STS-63 Mir rendezvous mission, said the two space programs were so intertwined that she had a package of Russian corn aboard the shuttle. Foale replied that the tea which he had just drunk (the first hot tea in a while) was the typical instant tea that's part of the shuttle's pantry.
During the contact, Mir passed from northwest to southeast, and Foale reported looking out of the flight engineer's window and seeing Florida. The shuttle was approximately 1000 miles further west. During a communication "handover" break, fellow astronaut and capcom Bill McArthur, KC5ACR, got a chance to exchange a few words with Foale. Foale also talked to astronaut Mike Gernhardt and gave Mir flight engineer Sasha Lazutkin the opportunity to talk to the shuttle crew.
NASA TV has aired segments of the Mir/shuttle conversation. Other Columbia-Mir conjunctions will be possible through the mission but whether another contact is attempted depends on the Columbia and Mir work schedules.
In a separate conversation via normal NASA communication channels, Foale told NASA chief Dan Goldin that he felt spoiled by the good communication with his family that ham radio has made possible. "Mike was really thankful for having ham radio onboard -- he enjoys talking with everyone," said SAREX Principal Investigator Matt Bordelon, KC5BTL, who was on hand at the time.
Meanwhile, the MIREX support team--Miles Mann, WF1F, and Dave Larsen, N6CO--has been handling family traffic for Foale via ham radio and attempting to help Foale with his radio problems (the Mir's transceiver was cutting out on high power because of a circuit overload). In a packet message to Larsen, Foale expressed the gratitude of the Mir crew "for all the good wishes and interest over the world, in our troubles and tribulations." Foale singled out for special mention "the few hams who work tirelessly on our behalf" to pass personal messages. Foale said that he and his wife were "extremely grateful to those hams who pass our messages for us." He also expressed appreciation for "how the world press is reacting to our situation." Added Foale: "We do not get this sort of opinion from our controllers." After the Mir's collision with a Progress cargo rocket, Foale said, "it was impossible to get any personal news of our well-being to our families" via the official communication channels. "Ham radio allowed us to fill the gap."
"We are particularly interested in longer contacts, than simple QSO exchanges," Foale said. "It is good to tell people about our life here on Mir, and our problems, but the lives of hams on Earth are also interesting to us, and I hope more hams will take the time to tell us about their QTH and surroundings also," he concluded.
W1AW Station Manager Joe Carcia, NJ1Q, reports W1AW was able to connect with the R0MIR-1 packet BBS on 145.985 MHz on July 8 at around 1600 UTC. The pass was at approximately 22 degrees. "We've been trying for weeks to connect," Carcia said. The message he posted was: "Hello from the staff and visitors from W1AW in Newington, CT. Good luck and 73."
On July 10, Foale told N6CO in another packet message that the crew was "extremely busy, trying to crawl through all the bags unloaded from Progress." Foale said the crew will do a training run on July 15 prior to the space walk to attempt to repair the damage and restore power to the space station. Foale will sit out the space walk in the Soyuz vehicle.
Thanks to Philip KC4YER, Pat WD8LAQ, Frank KA3HDO, Dave N6CO, Joe NJ1Q, Matt KC5BTL, and Rosalie WA1STO for their contributions to this report.--ed
PART II -- Amateur Radio's National Traffic System (NTS)
contributed by Tom KD6KMT from NTS articles
(January 91 Rev. SEP 96)
Handling third party traffic is the oldest tradition in Amateur Radio. This is most valuable during disasters. Nationwide the National Traffic System (NTS) has hundreds of local and section nets meeting daily in order to facilitate the delivery and origination of such messages. The NTS is a system of experienced traffic handlers able to handle large volumes of third party traffic accurately and efficiently during disasters. At least that is the goal. More and more of this traffic is being originated, relayed, and delivered on packet. The following concentrates on the procedure of delivering a third party message.
Of course, we encourage all originating stations to give as complete an address as possible. However, we have seen disaster related NTS traffic as well as everyday NTS traffic be delivered with as little information as the first and last name and the city. Here are some "preferred" procedures to effect the goal:
Listing NTS Messages on Packet
The LT command will display ALL of the 'T' messages on the BBS.
Use the R [Message Number from LT list] command to read the message from the BBS. If you can deliver the message, save it to disk/dump it on your printer, then:
Use the SR command and tell the station who placed the message on packet who actually will try to deliver the message, and about when. This USED to be automatic, but no more...
Use the K
If a message is marked TF, it has been forwarded 'Down the line'
by the BBS, and will be deleted during 'Clean-up' time.
Using Telephone Directories and Directory Assistance
If the message doesn't have a phone number check the phone book.
(Be sure to check for "close" or alternative spelling
possibilities due to possible errors or typos).
Then call 411 and repeat (especially necessary for new
listings). Granted this second step may cost the operator 25
cents, but we feel that this is well worth it for the benefit of
Amateur Radio. However, if the instruction HXG or HXJ are
present, calling 411 need not happen. Many stations refuse to
spend even 25 cents at this stage. We can't force them to do
it, as NTS is a Volunteer system, so they can refuse to accept
the message. However, it is considered a minimum procedure for
a NTS station to do. If the HXG or HXJ is present, and the
number given is incorrect, service the message.
Mailing and Hand Delivering Messages
If no phone number can be obtained, a good NTS operator will
deliver the message by hand to the address given (if it is
reasonably close to your QTH). In the case of PO Boxes or
addresses too far away, it is recommended that the message be
mailed in ARRL radiogram forms, stating the reason for mailing
(Mailed because no phone number given or listed). Writing the
message on a post-card is the least expensive way. Radiogram
postcards available from ARRL.
Servicing Messages
If the message can not be delivered by phone or dropped off
directly at the destination QTH, mailing is not required, only
preferred. One is permitted to service the message back to the
originator found in the NTS preamble (not necessarily the same
station who first put the message onto packet). All that is
necessary is to read the station of origin and place of origin
and put that in the address field, i.e., W1PEX Nashua NH. The
message may be sent to 03060@ NTSNH (get the ZIP code from the
callbook). If you don't have a callbook, can't ask another ham
to look the ZIP up for you, and you can't call the Post Office
to get the cities ZIP code, then you could send the message
NTSNH @ NTSNH. This type of addressing can be used in NTS,
hoping that the originating station is known at the local or
section net level.
Many times NTS can get a message delivered even when the phone
number is not known at the originating end through the judicious
use of local telephone directories and alternate spellings. We
strongly advise all originating stations to give as a complete
an address as possible and it is left to the discretion of the
delivery operator to what extent he/she will be able to put
forth the necessary effort to get the message delivered.
Obviously there would be a difference in how one would treat a
disaster message versus a simple "Welcome to the QCWA" message.
Regardless, it is often cleaner and of greater service to simply
mail the message as the worse case, rather than service it back
to the originator. Some so-called "junk" messages actually
contain the optional handling instruction HXG in the preamble,
which reads: "Delivery by mail or landline toll call not
required. If toll or other expense is involved, cancel message
and service originating station" (Bulk rate).
The rules are a little vague as to when a message should be
serviced. We must be sensitive to the fact that the whole
system is a Volunteer, and that we cannot force deliveries.
What we must be strongly opposed to is the destruction of
messages. In other words, if the message cannot be delivered,
it should not be accepted. If it is accepted it must be
delivered or serviced back telling the originator the reason it
is undeliverable. There are several stations that send "Bulk"
greeting and comment messages. If you accept one of these, but
can't deliver it without cost or toll, don't hesitate to service
it. If there is no one at a local BBS who is willing to deliver
a NTS message via mail, then the NTS packet manager at that BBS
should service the originator, telling them: "Message
undeliverable, No station willing to accept for delivery" (it
Died on the BBS, no one wants your junk mail). Likewise, if
only a Post Office Box is given a telephone may be able to be
obtained through the directory or 411.
Lately we see many so called NTS operators on local and section
nets refusing to deliver messages that do not have phone
numbers. This practice is abhorrent to many Old timers. A good
NTS operator will take the message and do all he/she can do to
find a way to deliver it. Don't accept it unless you are
willing to deliver it or service it.
In servicing a message, you can best be succinct using the ARL
SIXTY SEVEN message which reads, "Your message number -----
undeliverable because of ----- Please advise."
An example could be:
Delivering Messages on the Telephone
Be friendly, clear, and pleasant. Assume that the recipient
knows nothing about Amateur Radio. Assuage their fear about any
costs. A good opening may be as follows.
"Hello Mrs. Smith? I'm an Amateur Radio operator here in Podunk
Hollow and I have a radio message for you from your Uncle Jim in
Iowa Flats. It is dated Sept. 15 and is for you and Mr. Smith.
It reads (read the text now) signed, Uncle Jim."
Pause here for any response. Usually you will get profuse
thanks. Sometimes questions on how the message was relayed or
questions about Amateur Radio. If the person who received the
message seems to be a bit stunned or apprehensive, you might ask
if she understood the message and if she would like to send a
message back to Uncle Jim. Explain that the service is FREE and
is a public service of Amateur Radio. Remember to get as
complete an address as possible for any replies, including a
telephone number. Thinking of yourself as an ambassador from
Amateur Radio often helps.
Delivering a Message via Mail
OK, if all else fails, mail it; but make it neat. You can get
ARRL radiogram blanks from the ARRL in pads or in post card form
at most good ham radio stores or from ARRL Headquarters (see
"QST Magazine"). Otherwise, make it look professional by typing
it. Give your home phone number and address if they have
questions. Explain that this message is a free public service
of Amateur Radio.
Lastly, thanks to you who are willing to do something for
Amateur Radio. It is YOU who make NTS work.
(408) 395-2501 (Phone and FAX)
Spread Spectrum NPRM Now In FCC Hands
WT Docket 97-12, proposes to make significant changes in
theregulations governing Amateur Radio use of spread spectrum
(SS) technology. The changes are targeted to encourage greater
use of this mode, a mode that is expanding very rapidly in the
Part 15 commercial world. The text of the Docket can be found on
the FCC web site at
http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Wireless/Notices/1997/fcc97010. See
page 78 of May QST for more information. The text of the
Comments and Reply Comments on the NPRM can be found on the TAPR
WWW site --
http://www.tapr.org/ss. I urge you to read the
filings and participate in the discussion even though the
deadline for comments has passed.
ARRL WRC-99 Committee Proposes New Licensing Plan
One of the charges given to the ARRL WRC-99 Planning
Committee by the ARRL Board of Directors early last year was to
study the U.S. amateur licensing structure. A full discussion
of the Committee's proposals related to the U.S. licensing
structure is given in March QST at page 55. Please read it and
offer your comments to ARRL and to me.
My thanks to all of you who have written already. I have read
each e-mail and hard copy letter and noted your thoughts. My
goal is to respond to each of you in the Division who have
written me directly. It is interesting to note that so far
there seem to be as many views on this matter as letters and
messages received. So far, there is clearly no consensus of
Please remember that this is just a proposal and there is no
certainty that the ARRL Board will adopt this or any other
proposal on this matter. Further, it is not clear that the FCC
is even interested in revising the Amateur Radio licensing and
testing structure.
Latest Band Threat News
There is nothing specifically new to report this month on the
Little LEO matter. This situation may remain this way until WRC
97 opens in Geneva in November. However, other country's
delegations may yet propose the "broad allocation" scheme as the
Little LEO companies have been active all over the world selling
this idea. See also p. 9, August 1997 QST.
So WHAT do we do now?
1. Continue to monitor the progress of this unfolding drama! For
the latest news on this volatile issue, read QST, Pacific
Division Updates in hard copy. Read ARRL Letter, Pacific
Division Updates on e-mail; visit Pacific Division WWW site.
Visit the ARRL home page at http://www.arrl. org/ and select
"Band Threat News."
2. Join ARRL! The ARRL is the only effective national
organization fighting for YOUR 2 meter, 1.25 meter and 70 cm
operating privileges. It is easy to join and help us win this
battle to preserve our privileges. Think positive thoughts!
3. Contribute to the Fund for the Defense of Amateur Radio
Frequencies! (See page 76 of October 1996 QST for all the
details.) We won't be able to breathe easily about WRC-97 issues
until the final gavel comes down on Nov. 21, 1997.
For more information on spectrum matters involving the U. S.
budget and other spectrum issues, see pages 15, 16, and 74,
August 1997 QST.
Continuing Avalanche of New Antenna Ordinances
There is a huge new wave of antenna ordinances being proposed by
cities and counties. These ordinances are being driven by the
spectrum auctions and by new and expanding numbers of Cellular
and Personal Communications Services licenses being issued.
All of us need to be aware of this trend. When you first sense
any of this action in your community, contact your Section
Manager, the ARRL Regulatory Information Branch, and me
immediately so that we can get help to you and the rest of the
hams in your community. The key to a successful defense is to
separate the commercial interests from Amateur Radio in the
minds of the responsible officials. It's vitally important that
your city or county officials understand Amateur Radio
involvement with emergency communications - this story must be
told repeatedly, especially before the antenna ordinance crisis
Pacific Division Amateur Named Sacramento County Citizen of the
The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors recently named Jay
O'Brien, W6GO, as its Citizen of the Year. The full story is on
page 11-12 of the July issue of Worldradio. Congratulations,
Jay! Tnx - Worldradio.
Robert L. Chortek, AA6VB, appointed Volunteer Counsel
I am pleased to announce that Robert Chortek, AA6VB, has become
a Volunteer Counsel for the Pacific Division in the San Jose CA
area. Welcome, Bob.
LCARC is a California non-profit mutual benefit corporation
dedicated to Amateur Radio Service and Emergency Communication.
It's purpose is to support scientific investigation in radio
engineering and emergency communication skills development for
its members.
Repeaters and Services operated by LCARC
Nets and Meetings
General meetings are held at the Hewlett-Packard Cupertino Site,
Oak Room, Building 48, located at Wolfe Road and Pruneridge
Avenue (entrance on Pruneridge) at 7:30 PM, on the third
Tuesday of every month unless otherwise noted (see page 1 for
location, dates). Talk-in on K6FB/R.
Officers and Board of Directors
packet: KN6PE@N0ARY or leave on K6FB-2
NR 123 R W6ABC ARL 10 Podunk Hollow CA Sep 16
Nashua NH 03060 BT
ARL Sixty Seven 123 Phone
number incorrect no listing 73 BT
This message tells W1PEX, a well known HXG message originator in
Nashua New Hampshire, that his message number 123 was
undeliverable and why. W1PEX has the option of sending W6ABC a
corrected phone number, if available, or of canceling the
message. If W6ABC doesn't hear from W1PEX in a few weeks he can
assume that the message can be filed.
You know you may be a ham when...
Author unknown. Courtesy of Neal Yu KD6HPG.
Highlights from the ARRL Pacific Division Update -- August 1997
Brad Wyatt K6WR, Director, Pacific Division, ARRL
Internet: K6WR@arrl.org
WWW Pacific Division Home Page --
Las Cumbres Amateur Radio Club (LCARC)
K6FB/R: 145.450 MHz, (-), PL=100, linked with
K6FB/R: 442.575 MHz (+), PL=100
K6FB/R: 223.880 MHz (-), PL=100
K6FB-1 Digipeater: 145.050 MHz
K6FB-2 Bulletin Board: 145.050 MHz
K6FB-7 Node: 145.050 MHz
The LCARC Net is held every Monday evening at 7:30pm on the
K6FB/R repeaters. Guests and visitors are welcome to check in.
Volunteers for net control for the following week's net are
solicited (and encouraged) at the end of each net.
Jey Yelland / KQ6DK . . . . . . President
Ken Carey / KN6CK . . . . . . Vice President
Harry Workman / K6JTC . . . . . Treasurer
Ned Rice / KE6ZOZ . . . . . . . Membership
Jim Oberhofer / KN6PE . . . . . Secretary
Frank Butcher / W6SZS . . . . . TCC
Tom Campbell / KD6KMT . . . . . Trustee
Dick LaTondre / KB6GLX . . . . Member at Large
Summit Sentinel
The Summit Sentinel is published monthly by the LCARC.
Permission is granted to reprint from this publication with
appropriate source credit. The deadline for submitting items is
the second Friday following each general meeting. Send your
contributions to Jim KN6PE at:
internet: jimo@cup.hp.com
fax: 408-447-0527; phone: 408-447-0837