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The Las Cumbres Amateur Radio Club Newsletter Summit Sentinel, August 2000 |
Aug 2000 Volume 22, Issue 1 "From the Sierra to the Sea, ...This is K6FB repeater" |
Las Cumbres Amateur Radio Club P.O. Box 2415 Cupertino, CA 95015 http://www.ihot.com/~k6prk/k6fb.html |
Hi everyone, I am writing the Summit Sentinel since there hasn't been anyone that stepped forward and volunteered to do it. This publication is probably the most important means of communication that our club has, short of the repeater.
My role in the club for years has been in the techincal end of K6FB. I'm taking this on because I feel that it is necessity to have this publication mailed every month. My ambitions, however is not to try and put out a publication as fine as Jim Oberhofer (KN6PE) has done in the past, but just to deliver the necessary information to the membership. This publication will rarely exceed 2 pages. I'm sure that there is someone out there that is a lot better at this than I am. If someone wanted to take this task on, I would be delighted to be fired for incompetence.
I guess that we all have lot to do aside from work and I'm no exception. I admit that lately I haven't put in as much time into the club that I should have. I guess that the main problem with the club is the lack of volunteers. Everyone seems to sit back and wait for someone else to do something. I've seen the club deteriorating for the last 6 months due to the of lack of volunteers.
I have been in the LCARC for at least 22 years. The club has had it's ups and downs, but our membership is about the lowest since I joined. I think that we only have about 60 members, which is down from about 120 members last year. At the peak of membership, we had almost 180 members. The possible reason that the membership is low may be due to the change in PO Box number at renewal time.
Field day has come and gone, there was to be the annual picnic combined with field day. Field Day didn't happen. This would be the first time that LCARC didn't participate in Field day. There wasn't anyone interested in participating. Of course there was no Annual picnic either.
There are several things that I would like to do to change this. First, is to get the Summit Sentinel published.
I will be able to reproduce the Sentinel here at work on my own HP 8100 Laser Jet Printer, which spits out about 1 copy per second. The board members will help folding (spindling, and mutilating) labeling and stamping the copies to be mailed.
The second thing that must be accomplished is to have our Annual Picnic. Since we missed the July date, it was suggested by the board to have it on Saturday, September 9th at the National Semiconductor Employee Park. Steve Paine, WD6FTE, his wife Kathy, and my wife Patsy volunteered to do the picnic. I might even help too.
LCARC will furnish hot dogs, hamburgers, condiments, paper plates, cups, utensils napkins, and soft drinks. There will be a sign up sheet passed around at the club meeting. Please bring either some kind of a hot dish, salad, chips, or dessert item. The area that we will be in is the Lakeside #1. There is a lake with huge fish in it. Unfortunately there is no fishing allowed. You are welcome to feed the fish and ducks in the lake. There is a canopy of trees that provide shade all day. There is also a playground for the kiddies, a sand volley ball court and a base ball field with plenty of room to fly a kite if the wind is blowing. (anyone for a 160 meter sloper?)
I will give directions of how to get there in next month's issue.
There have been other changes that should be noted.
Our post office box number has changed. It is now LCARC PO Box 2415 Cupertino, CA 95015
Since there was a mix-up with the PO Box number change most members tried to mail their renewal checks to the old number. The letters were returned to the sender by the post office. This caused much confusion and could have discouraged members from renewing. It is OK to send in your renewal check at the discount rate due to this mixup.
The board has reviewed this problem and will accept late renewal at the discount price. Furthermore we are sending the Sentinel out to the members that didn't renew for the balance of the year.
A new club roster will be forthcoming in the near future.
July: NO Members MEETING
July 29th: Fifth Saturday Breakfast
August 1st: Directors Meeting
August 30th: Members Meeting, Speaker: TBD
September 5th (day after Labor Day): Directors Meeting
September 30th: Members Meeting, Speaker: TBD
September (date TBA): Annual Member's Picnic at National Semiconductor Employees Park
October 3rd -tentative- : Directors Meeting
October 25th: Members Meeting, Speaker: TBD
November: NO Members MEETING
December 1st: Members Holiday Party
Webpage address, check it out:
Repeaters & Services operated by LCARC
News and Nets:
The LCARC Net is held every Monday evening at 7:30 local time on the K6FB/R 2 Meter/440 Repeaters. Guests and visitors are welcome to check in. Volunteers for net on the following week's net are solicited (and encouraged) at the end of each net.
© 2003, Las Cumbres Amateur Radio Club