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Las Cumbres Amateur Radio Club "From the Sierra to the Sea, this is K6FB repeater" |
Mailing Address Las Cumbres ARC On Our Site On This Page
Board of Directors President, Steve Paine, WD6FTE President @ K6FB.com Secretary, Skip La Fetra, AA6WK Secretary @ K6FB.com Trustee Jerry Parsons, KJ6UYJ Trustee @ K6FB.com Technical Committee Chair TBD TCC @ K6FB.com Members at Large Ned Rice, N6ZOZ contact us for email Dan Smith, K6PRK contact us for email
Join our new K6FB discussion forumUse the link below to go to the forum: Use the following email links to directly join or leave the forum.
Once you have joined the forum you will have joined our mailing list. You have the option to see every message as it is sent, have messages condensed into a digest, or other options. K6FB Packet Changes:We are updating and reconfiguring our K6FB packet system on 145.050 MHz to improve and standardize services:
We will keep you updated on any future changes. As of today's writing (July 22, 2024) these are believed to be final 2024 Calendar
Photo LinksPhotos from our Holiday Dinner 2019 Photos from our Holiday Dinner 2018 Photos from our Holiday Dinner 2017 Photos from our Summer Dinner 2017 Photos from our Holiday Dinner 2016 Photos from our Summer Dinner 2016 Photos from our Holiday Dinner 2015 Photo from our Summer Dinner 2015 Photos from our Holiday Dinner 2014 Photo from our Summer Dinner 2014 Photos from our Summer Dinner 2013
Photos from our Holiday Dinner 2011 Photos from our Holiday Dinner 2010 Fifth Saturday BreakfastsIn any month that has a Fifth Saturday, we select a location for a no-host breakfast. This is a wonderful opportunity to meet and socialize with other members and friends. Free to bring any current project(s) you may be working on, show it off, or ask for help. Spouses, family, friends, and guests are always welcome. Watch this site and the LCARC Email reflector for announcements. Castle Rock Thursday NetEvery Thursday, 8:00 pm on 2m and 440 frequencies. For neighborly communication and emergency preparedness around the Castle Rock and Skyline area. Also welcomes all amateurs able to reach K6FB. Check in to this net for more information. [ View the script for the Castle Rock Net ] Member's MeetingsThe Board would like to resurrect the club meetings but needs help. The Club needs interesting topics and speakers. If you have an idea for a topic or a speaker, or if you have a meeting room to offer, please contact one of the Board members -- see the BOD list to the left on this page. Director's MeetingsThese meetings are held for a few minutes at the 5th Saturday Breakfast. If you wish to bring buisness before the Directors or the Club, please contact the Club's President (see his email address to the left). Holiday (Christmas) PartyThis traditional event is a no host event at a local restaurant. We meet to give thanks for family and friends, and enjoy a nice meal among the camaraderie of your fellow hams and their families. Plan to join us in early December. If you are interested in joining the party committee please see any Director. Watch this site and the LCARC Email reflector for announcements. Members PicnicEach summer we schedule a potluck and picnic. This is a good opportunity to socialize with members, spouses, and family members. We are always on the lookout for locations and someone to help organize this event. Are you interested in helping out? Please contact any Director. Watch this site and the LCARC Email reflector for announcements. Contacting Someone, Anyone!Each of the Club Directors is listed in the sidebar in the left margin. You may clickon the "Email" link for any individual to launch an Email message. If you are not sure who you would like to send your message to, you may always contact the Webmaster. Las Cumbres ARC Email ReflectorJoin the Las Cumbres ARC Email reflector to get the latest Club news such as newsletters, meeting notices, picnics, etc. When a subscribed member sends a message to the Reflector, the message is resent to all subscribers. It is a good forum for ham radio discussions also. Simply subscribe or unsubscribe by sending an email message from your email account. Subscribers can post a mesage using the "post" link or addressing their message to K6FB-LCARC@yahoogroups.com. Mailing AddressIf you'd like to send us a "real" letter, QSL, or renew your membership, mail it to the address in the upper corner of the left margin of this page. |
Copyright notice
Original material on this web page and throughoutthe remainder of this site is copyright Las Cumbres Amateur Radio Club.
Permission is granted to reprint from this publication with appropriate source credit.
© LCARC 1997-2016
We started new hit counting on 12/16/2018. Since then, we have had 1100 visitors to this page.