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The Las Cumbres Amateur Radio Club Newsletter Election Results, April 2003 |
Contents of the election results mailing; mailed to members early April 2003; Editor: Jey KQ6DK. This was a form letter, personalized to each member. The mailing included an outer window envelope and an inner return self-addressed, stamped envelope.
Las Cumbres Amateur Radio Club
PO Box 2415
Cupertino, CA 95015-2415
April 4, 2003
[Recipients address for window envelope mailing]
Dear "CALL",
Fifth Saturday Breakfast: A small contingent turned out for our most recent Fifth Saturday Breakfast on Saturday March, 29th. If you weren't there… well we missed you! We all drank too much coffee. Mark your calendar for Saturday May 31 and join us then!
Outcome of the Election: Following the Fifth Saturday Breakfast, Ken KN6CK called the Las Cumbres Amateur Radio Club Directors Meeting to order. Skip AA6WK and Stuart KF6RZR busily counted ballots. Thirty-four ballots were returned. And the winners are:
We bid farewell to our outgoing Membership Chairman, Gary 'EWI. Thank you for your years of service to the club. The Directors welcome Bob 'OPO to the board. Bob brings new energy to the board, and in his first week has really started the ball rolling on several fronts!
Renewals are now due: As noted in the election results the dues of $25 have been approved for the coming year. I know we had some difficulties getting some of your checks deposited on time. Sigh. Note the year above your name in the address. This is when we last heard from you. We're reaching back to 2001 in some cases to ensure we've touched all past members who choose to remain Las Cumbres ARC members in good standing. We've even included a self-addressed, stamped envelope. The Directors want y'all back again this year!
Roster Update: On the reverse side of this letter you'll find your information as held on the club's private roster. Please take a moment to review your information. If there are any corrections that need to be made then please note the update in the space provided. Please return this roster update with your dues payment.
(continues on back…)
Upcoming Events: In the next few months, there will be another Fifth Saturday Breakfast on Saturday May 31. Plans are also in the works for a Members Meeting sometime this spring. Topics currently slated are an overview of Repeater Coordination and our new Remote Base functionality. Stay tuned for that! The weekend of June 28/29 marks Field Day. The club does not have any plans for Field Day at the moment; if one or more members are interested then now is the time to be planning for it. Directors are planning for a Summer Picnic in July or August. If you would like to suggest a venue for the event or participate in picnic planning then please speak to any Director.
Club Web Site: Our former club web site will be on hiatus for a month. The old site will shut down soon, if it hasn't already. Your Directors are working to revive it with a new URL. Look for more information in an upcoming Summit Sentinel.
73 de KQ6DK,
Jey Yelland
Secretary, 2003
Las Cumbres Amateur Radio Club 2003 Roster Update | ||
Current Roster Data | Corrections | |
First Name | member's roster data | |
Last Name | member's roster data | |
Call | member's roster data | |
License Class | member's roster data | |
Address | member's roster data | |
City | member's roster data | |
State | member's roster data | |
Zip | member's roster data | |
Home Phone | member's roster data | |
Work Phone | member's roster data | |
1st E-mail | member's roster data | |
2nd E-mail | member's roster data | |
Autodial # | member's roster data | |
Autodial Phone | member's roster data | |
ARRL Member | member's roster data |
Privacy Information: All personal information collected for the Las Cumbres Amateur Radio Club roster is considered personal and private. Use of the data is limited to club Directors and fellow club members in printed form. The Las Cumbres Amateur Radio Club Directors and members shall not provide this data external to the club for any reason.
Please return this form with your 2003 Renewal
© 2003, Las Cumbres Amateur Radio Club